How to Get a Tattoo at 16: Tips to Consider Before Taking the Plunge

» Tattoo Tips » Health and Safety Practices » How to Get a Tattoo at 16: Tips to Consider Before Taking the Plunge

Getting a tattoo at 16 can be a big decision and a big step for both the parent and the teen. It’s important for both the parent and teen to be aware of the risks and responsibilities associated with getting a tattoo at such a young age. This article provides tips and guidelines for parents and teens who are considering getting a tattoo at 16. It covers topics such as the legal age to get a tattoo, the risks involved, and the importance of choosing a reputable tattoo artist. It also provides advice on how to find the right tattoo artist and how to prepare for the tattooing process. Finally, it outlines the aftercare practices that should be followed to ensure the safety of the tattoo and the health of the person receiving it.


Overview of Tattoo Laws in the US

Overview Of Tattoo Laws In The Us

In the United States, tattoo laws vary greatly by state. Generally, states that allow minors to get tattoos require parental consent and the presence of a parent or legal guardian during the procedure. Other states, such as Oklahoma, require minors to meet certain age requirements and provide proof of parental consent. Furthermore, some states, like Illinois, require minors to obtain a state-issued body art registration card in order to get a tattoo.

In general, states that allow minors to get tattoos include: Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

It is important to research the current laws and regulations for tattooing in your state, as these can change over time. Additionally, it is important to note that some states may allow minors to get tattoos, but will not allow tattoo artists to perform the procedure on minors.

Finally, it is important to consider the risks associated with tattoos, such as the risk of infection or other complications. It is best to consult with a qualified medical professional prior to getting a tattoo.

States that Allow Minors to Get Tattoos

States That Allow Minors To Get Tattoos

State Age Requirements Parental Consent
Alabama 18 No
Alaska 18 No
Arizona 18 No
Arkansas 18 No
California 18 No
Colorado 18 No
Connecticut 16 Yes
Delaware 18 No
Florida 18 No
Georgia 18 No
Hawaii 18 No
Idaho 18 No
Illinois 18 No
Indiana 18 No
Iowa 18 No
Kansas 18 No
Kentucky 18 No
Louisiana 18 No
Maine 18 No
Maryland 18 No
Massachusetts 18 No
Michigan 18 No
Minnesota 18 No
Mississippi 18 No
Missouri 18 No
Montana 18 No
Nebraska 18 No
Nevada 18 No
New Hampshire 18 No
New Jersey 18 No
New Mexico 18 No
New York 18 No
North Carolina 18 No
North Dakota 18 No
Ohio 18 No
Oklahoma 18 No
Oregon 18 No
Pennsylvania 18 No
Rhode Island 18 No
South Carolina 18 No
South Dakota 18 No
Tennessee 18 No
Texas 18 No
Utah 18 No
Vermont 18 No
Virginia 18 No
Washington 18 No
West Virginia 18 No
Wisconsin 18 No
Wyoming 18 No

Currently, in the United States, there are only four states—Connecticut, New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania—that allow minors to get tattoos with parental consent. In Connecticut, minors as young as 16 can get a tattoo with the written, notarized consent of a parent or guardian. In New York, a parent or guardian must be present in the tattoo parlor when the minor receives the tattoo. In Washington, a parent or guardian must sign a consent form in the presence of either the artist or the person to whom the artist is accountable. In Pennsylvania, tattoos are not allowed for anyone under the age of 18 without a parent or guardian’s consent. All other states require minors to be 18 years old to get a tattoo without parental consent.

Requirements for Getting a Tattoo at 16

Requirements For Getting A Tattoo At 16

With Parental Consent

If you are 16 years old, you can get a tattoo with parental consent. In most states, the consent of a parent or legal guardian is the only requirement for a minor to get a tattoo. The parent or legal guardian must be present at the time of the tattoo. Additionally, they must provide proof of identity and sign a consent form.

Without Parental Consent

If you are 16 years old and do not have parental consent, you may still be able to get a tattoo. Some states allow minors to get tattoos without parental consent if they can provide proof of their age and identity, such as a state-issued ID or driver’s license. Additionally, some states allow minors to get tattoos with the consent of a judge.

Where can a 17 year old get a tattoo? Depending on the state, 17 year olds may be able to get a tattoo with parental consent or without. Minors should always check their state laws to make sure they meet the requirements for getting a tattoo.

How to Get a Tattoo at 15

How To Get A Tattoo At 15

1. Legal Requirements: In the United States, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to get a tattoo without the consent of a parent or guardian. Depending on the state, a parent or guardian must be present when the tattoo is being done.

2. Health Risks: Getting a tattoo carries a certain level of risk, including infections, scarring, and allergic reactions. It is important to research the shop and the artist to ensure that they are reputable and that the equipment is properly sterilized.

3. Preparation: Before getting a tattoo, it is important to make sure that the design is something that the teen is comfortable with and will not regret in the future. The design should also be appropriate for the teen’s age and lifestyle.

4. Aftercare: Once the tattoo is done, it is important to take care of it properly. This includes keeping the area clean, avoiding direct sunlight, and using a medical-grade lotion to keep the area moisturized.

5. Potential Consequences: It is important to remember that tattoos are permanent, and that a teen may regret the decision to get one in the future. It is also important to remember that a tattoo may limit the teen’s opportunities in terms of career and education.

How to Get a Tattoo at 17 Without Parental Consent

How To Get A Tattoo At 17 Without Parental Consent

Age Requirements
Most states have laws that require anyone under the age of 18 to have parental or guardian consent before getting a tattoo. However, some states do have exceptions for 17-year-olds. In these cases, the person must provide evidence that they are capable of making their own decisions and that they understand the risks associated with getting a tattoo.

Locating a Tattoo Shop
It is important to find a reputable tattoo shop. This can be done by doing research online and checking reviews. Ask your friends and family for recommendations. Once you have narrowed down your search, you should visit the shop in person to make sure it is clean, sterile, and professional.

Talking to the Artist
When you meet with the tattoo artist, it is important to ask them questions about their experience and qualification. Ask to see their portfolio of past work and get references from other customers. Also, make sure they are familiar with the safety and health regulations associated with tattoos.

Preparing for the Tattoo
Once you have chosen a tattoo artist and design, you should make sure you are properly prepared for the procedure. Get plenty of rest, eat a healthy meal, and avoid drinking alcohol or taking drugs. You should also make sure you have a ride home after the procedure.

Getting the Tattoo
When you are ready for the procedure, the tattoo artist will discuss the design with you and make sure you are comfortable with the process. They will then mark the area where the tattoo will be placed and sterilize the area with a disinfectant. Once everything is ready, the tattoo artist will begin the procedure.

It is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the tattoo artist. This will help ensure that your tattoo heals properly and looks its best. The instructions will include things such as keeping the area clean and applying an antibiotic cream.

Getting a tattoo can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to make sure you are properly prepared. By following these steps and finding a reputable tattoo shop, you can safely get a tattoo at 17 without parental consent.

Where Can You Get a Tattoo at 17

Where Can You Get A Tattoo At 17

If you’re 17 and want to get a tattoo without your parents’ consent, you have several options available to you:

  • Private tattoo parlors: You can schedule an appointment with a private tattoo parlor. However, they may require a valid form of identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, to prove you are of legal age.
  • Tattoo conventions: Many tattoo conventions host tattoo artists from all over the world. You can get a tattoo from one of these artists and often do not need to provide any form of identification.
  • House parties: You may be able to find a tattoo artist willing to come to a private home to do a tattoo. However, it is always important to make sure the artist is licensed and reputable.

Before getting a tattoo, it is important to research the artist, the studio, and their reputation. Be sure to ask questions about their experience and sterilization procedures. Additionally, ensure you have a clear understanding of what the tattoo will look like and the total cost.

Tips for Parents and Teens

  • Research State Laws – Research the laws governing tattoos in your state. In most states, it is illegal to get a tattoo before the age of 18, but some states allow minors to get tattoos if they have parental consent. Check the laws to know what states allow tattooing under 18.
  • Choose a Reputable Studio – Make sure to research the tattoo studio you plan to visit. Check that it follows all safety regulations, such as using sterile equipment, single-use needles and inks, and wearing protective gloves. Ask questions about the artist’s experience and qualifications.
  • Discuss Potential Risks – Discuss the potential risks associated with getting a tattoo with your teen. These include the risks of infection, allergic reactions, and the possibility of regretting the decision later in life. Explain the importance of following aftercare instructions.
  • Be Present During the Procedure – If you decide to allow your teen to get a tattoo, make sure you accompany them to the tattoo studio and stay with them during the procedure. This will ensure that all safety regulations are being followed and that your teen is comfortable throughout the process.
  • Consider Long-Term Effects – Think about the potential long-term effects of getting a tattoo. Tattoos are permanent and can have an effect on your teen’s future job prospects and personal relationships. Talk to your teen about these potential consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What safety precautions should I take when getting a tattoo at 16?

Research: Do your research and make sure the establishment is reputable and has a good reputation. Make sure the artist is licensed and certified.

Safety: Ensure that the artist is using sterile equipment and disposable needles. Have the artist show you the needles and equipment before the procedure.

Aftercare: Ask the artist for the aftercare instructions and make sure you follow them. Look out for any signs of infection and contact your doctor if necessary.

Are There Any Legal Restrictions or Age Requirements to Get a Tattoo?

Yes. In most countries, the legal age to get a tattoo is 18. However, some states and countries have different laws. In the United States, some states allow minors to get tattoos with parental consent. In other countries, such as the United Kingdom, minors may be able to get tattoos with a legal guardian’s consent.

Key points to consider when determining legal requirements for getting a tattoo:

  • The age of consent
  • The presence of parental or legal guardian consent
  • The requirements for parental or legal guardian consent
  • The type of tattoo (temporary vs. permanent)
  • The location of the tattoo
  • The tattoo artist’s license and qualifications

It is important to check the laws in your local area before getting a tattoo, as they vary by state and country. It is also important to research the tattoo artist before getting a tattoo to make sure they have the appropriate qualifications and license.

What kind of aftercare should I expect after getting a tattoo at 16?

  • Keep the area clean: Clean the tattoo with mild soap and water, then pat dry with a clean towel. Avoid soaking the tattoo in the shower or bath.
  • Apply a thin layer of ointment: Apply a thin layer of a hypoallergenic ointment several times a day for the first few days.
  • Wear loose clothing: Wear loose clothing that won’t rub against the tattoo and cause irritation.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: Avoid exposing the tattoo to direct sunlight or tanning beds for at least two weeks.
  • Minimize touching: Minimize touching and picking at the tattoo as much as possible.
  • Avoid strenuous activities: Avoid strenuous activities such as swimming, running, or exercising until the tattoo has healed.

Is there a way to reduce the risks associated with getting a tattoo at 16?

Research the tattoo artist: In order to reduce the risks associated with getting a tattoo at 16, it is important to research the tattoo artist. Find out about their experience and qualifications, and make sure they have knowledge about safety and hygiene standards.

Check the safety standards: Before getting a tattoo, make sure the tattoo artist is using sterilized equipment, new needles, and disposable materials.

Be aware of potential risks: It is important to be aware of potential risks associated with getting a tattoo at 16, such as infection, scarring, and allergic reactions.

Choose a reputable shop: It is important to choose a reputable tattoo shop that is clean and follows safety guidelines.

Avoid DIY tattoos: DIY tattoos are not recommended, as they come with a higher risk of infection and other complications.

Consult with a doctor: It is a good idea to consult with a doctor before getting a tattoo, in order to make sure the procedure is safe and there are no underlying medical conditions that might be affected.

What should I bear in mind when choosing a tattoo artist for my 16-year-old?

Experience: Ensure the artist has experience in working with younger clients and is comfortable with their age. Sanitation: Check the cleanliness of the studio and the tattoo artist’s hygiene practices. Portfolio: Ask to see the artist’s portfolio to get an idea of their work and ensure it meets your aesthetic preferences. Reviews: Read online reviews and ask for references to ensure the artist has a good reputation. Cost: Ask for an estimate of the cost and ensure you are comfortable with the price.


Getting a tattoo at 16 is a decision that should not be taken lightly. It is important for both parents and teens to consider the safety, legality, and cost associated with getting a tattoo. Parents should also talk to their teens about the potential risks of getting a tattoo and help them find a reputable and experienced tattoo artist. Following these tips and guidelines can help both parents and teens make an informed decision about getting a tattoo.


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