Why Is My Tattoo Shiny: A Guide to Understanding Tattoo Aftercare and Shine

» Tattoo Tips » Health and Safety Practices » Why Is My Tattoo Shiny: A Guide to Understanding Tattoo Aftercare and Shine

Have you ever looked at your freshly inked tattoo and noticed that it looks … shiny? If so, you may be wondering “Why is my tattoo shiny?” The answer to this question can depend on a number of factors, ranging from the type of ink used to the body’s natural healing process. In this article, we will explore the possibilities of why your tattoo may be shiny and what you can do to prevent it.


What Causes a Shiny Tattoo?

What Causes A Shiny Tattoo?

Fresh Ink

The color and sheen of your tattoo will be the most vibrant when it’s fresh. After the tattoo artist finishes, the area will be covered in a thin layer of Vaseline, which will make the ink look shiny.

But why is my tattoo still shiny after a month? This is because the Vaseline will start to wear off after a few days and the ink will start to settle into the skin, giving it a more matte appearance.

Sun Exposure

Exposure to direct sunlight can also cause your tattoo to look shiny, as it can cause the skin to become dry and dehydrated. This can make the ink appear brighter, making it look shiny. To avoid this, always use sunscreen with a high SPF when going out in the sun.


Another factor that can cause a shiny tattoo is sweat. Sweat can make the ink look brighter and shinier, as it can make the area more lubricated. To avoid this, always keep your tattoo clean and dry and try to avoid too much sweating.

How to Make a Tattoo Shiny

How To Make A Tattoo Shiny

  • Using a balm or lotion contain glycerin and hyaluronic acid can help to keep your tattoo shiny.
  • Using a moisturizer specifically formulated for tattoos can help to keep the color vibrant and the tattoo from fading.
  • Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the tattoo can help to keep it hydrated, and helps to keep it from cracking and flaking.
  • Using a tattoo sealant can help to give your tattoo a shiny, glossy finish.
  • Shield the tattoo from direct sunlight and keep it out of the sun for prolonged periods of time to maintain its shine.
  • Avoid scrubbing and rubbing the tattoo, as this can cause it to lose its shine and vibrancy.
  • Touching up the tattoo with a touch-up kit can help to restore the original colors and give the tattoo a new, shiny look.
  • Using a high-quality tattoo aftercare cream can help to keep the colors vibrant and the tattoo looking shiny.

Taking care of your tattoo after it has healed is important for maintaining its shine and vibrancy. Especially in the first few weeks after getting your tattoo, it’s important to take extra care to keep your skin moisturized and to protect it from sun exposure. Doing so will help to ensure that your tattoo keeps its shiny and attractive appearance. If you’re wondering why is my tattoo shiny after peeling, it’s likely due to the body’s natural healing process, which can cause the tattoo to appear shiny and glossy. Taking a few extra steps to keep your tattoo looking shiny and vibrant can help to ensure that your tattoo looks great for years to come.

Why Is My Tattoo Shiny and Faded?

Why Is My Tattoo Shiny And Faded?

  • Incorrect Aftercare: Poor aftercare can cause a tattoo to appear shiny and faded. One of the most common errors is over-moisturizing, which can make the tattoo appear shiny. Additionally, applying too much moisturizer or the wrong type of product can cause the ink to fade.
  • Infection: An infection can make a tattoo appear shiny and faded. This is because the infection can cause inflammation and irritation, leading to the tissue becoming swollen and discolored. Additionally, an infection can cause the ink to bleed, which can make the tattoo appear faded.
  • Sun Exposure: Too much sun exposure can make a tattoo appear shiny and faded. This is because the sun can cause damage to the skin and the ink, leading to a faded appearance. Additionally, the sun can cause the skin to become dry and irritated, which can make the tattoo appear shiny.

Incorrect aftercare, infections, and too much sun exposure are all common causes of a tattoo appearing shiny and faded. If you notice your tattoo is starting to look shiny and faded, it is important to seek professional help so that the issue can be corrected.

When Will My Tattoo Stop Being Shiny?

When Will My Tattoo Stop Being Shiny?

Tattoos often go through a period of initial healing where they look shiny and new. This stage is often called the “shiny phase” and typically lasts anywhere from several weeks to a few months, depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo. After this period, the tattoo will usually start to look more matte and natural.

The main factor determining how long it takes for a tattoo to stop being shiny is how well the skin heals. If the tattoo was done correctly, was kept clean during the healing process, and the skin was not exposed to too much direct sunlight, it will usually take less time for the shine to settle down. On the other hand, if the skin was not taken care of properly and exposed to the elements, it may take significantly longer for the tattoo to stop being shiny.

If you want to speed up the process of getting rid of the shine, there are a few things you can do. First, avoid exposing your tattoo to direct sunlight as much as possible. Sunlight can cause the skin to become irritated and inflamed, which can cause the tattoo to remain shiny for longer periods of time. Second, keep your tattoo clean, moisturized, and hydrated. This will help the healing process and reduce the amount of time it takes for the tattoo to stop being shiny. Lastly, avoid using any products that contain petroleum or mineral oils, as these can trap moisture and cause the tattoo to remain shiny.

In general, it takes anywhere from three to six weeks for a tattoo to stop being shiny and start to look more natural. However, it can take longer if the tattoo was not taken care of properly or was exposed to the elements. If you want to reduce the amount of time it takes for your tattoo to stop being shiny, make sure to keep it clean, moisturized, and away from direct sunlight.

How Long Do Tattoos Stay Shiny?

How Long Do Tattoos Stay Shiny?

When getting a tattoo, one of the most desired effects is its shine. However, many people struggle to maintain the shiny look of their tattoos, as it often fades over time. While tattoos will inevitably fade, it is possible to prolong the life of the shine with proper aftercare.

The Factors That Determine How Long Tattoos Stay Shiny

The longevity of a tattoo’s shine is dependent on several factors. These include the quality of the ink used, the artist’s technique, and the amount of care taken to maintain the tattoo.

The Quality of Ink

The quality of the ink used in a tattoo will have a significant impact on its durability and longevity. Professional-grade inks tend to have a higher pigment content, which means that they will last longer and retain their shine. In general, the higher the quality of ink, the longer the tattoo will stay shiny.

The Artist’s Technique

The technique used by the tattoo artist can also affect the longevity of the tattoo’s shine. If the artist is experienced and skilled, they will be able to create a tattoo that lasts longer and is more resistant to fading.

Aftercare and Maintenance

The amount of aftercare and maintenance that is given to a tattoo will also determine how long it will stay shiny. Proper aftercare includes using a high-quality moisturizer, avoiding direct sunlight, and regularly cleaning the tattoo with non-scented soap.

Factors Impact on Shine
Quality of Ink Higher pigment content = longer lasting shine
Artist’s Technique More experienced and skilled artist = longer lasting shine
Aftercare and Maintenance More care = longer lasting shine

Ultimately, the amount of time a tattoo will remain shiny depends on a variety of factors. However, with proper care and maintenance, it is possible to prolong the life of a tattoo’s shine and prevent it from fading. If you’re wondering why your tattoo is shiny and faded, consider the factors listed above and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that your tattoo stays looking its best for longer.

Other Factors That Can Affect Tattoo Sheen

Other Factors That Can Affect Tattoo Sheen

  • Surface Area: The surface area of the tattoo can affect the sheen of the tattoo. Large tattoos tend to be shinier than smaller ones because they are more exposed to light.
  • Tattoo type: Different types of tattoos have different levels of shininess, depending on the type of ink and the way it is applied. For example, black and grey tattoos tend to be less shiny than color tattoos.
  • Humidity: Humidity can cause the tattoo to become more or less shiny, depending on the amount of moisture in the air.
  • Oils: Oils and lotions can cause the tattoo to be shinier than usual. It is important to keep the tattoo moisturized, but it should not be too oily.
  • Wear and tear: Over time, the tattoo may become more or less shiny depending on how it is cared for and how much it is exposed to sunlight and other elements.

In general, when will my tattoo stop being shiny can vary depending on the factors listed above. The most important thing is to keep the tattoo moisturized and protected from the elements. Proper care and maintenance of the tattoo can help to minimize the amount of shine that it has.

Ways to Protect Your Tattoo

Ways To Protect Your Tattoo

Sun Protection: Sun exposure can cause tattoos to fade and blur, so it is important to protect them with a sun-blocking lotion or a clothing article that covers the tattoo.

Moisturizing: Applying a quality moisturizer to the tattooed area helps keep the skin hydrated and can help prevent cracking and fading.

Avoiding Harsh Chemicals: Harsh chemicals, such as chlorine and other solvents, can cause tattoos to fade and blur over time.

Avoiding Rubbing and Scratching: Rubbing and scratching the tattoo should be avoided as it can cause the tattoo to fade or blur.

Cleaning: Clean the tattoo area daily with a mild soap and warm water. Do not use harsh cleansers or scrubbing agents as they can cause irritation and fading.

Tattoo Touch-Ups: Touch-ups may be necessary every few years to keep the tattoo looking its best, as over time the pigment may fade or blur.

How Long Do Tattoos Stay Shiny? With proper care and maintenance, tattoos can stay shiny for years. Sun protection, moisturizing, avoiding harsh chemicals, and avoiding rubbing and scratching can all help to preserve the vibrancy of your tattoo.



  • A shiny tattoo can be caused by several factors, including sun exposure, friction, moisture, and using the wrong aftercare products.
  • It is important to ensure that the area is kept clean and dry and to avoid using harsh scrubs or creams.
  • If the shiny appearance persists, it is best to consult a tattoo artist or doctor for advice.
  • It is also important to remember that the shiny appearance of a tattoo will fade over time.
  • By following the right aftercare instructions, you can help ensure that your tattoo remains shiny for many years.



Reference Description
Why is My Tattoo Shiny? This article explains why tattoos can become shiny, as well as what can be done to reduce the shine.
Why Is My New Tattoo Shiny? This article explains why new tattoos can be shiny and how to care for them properly.
Why Is My Tattoo Shiny and Faded? This article explains why tattoos can become shiny and faded, and what can be done to prevent it.
How Long Do Tattoos Stay Shiny? This article explains how long tattoos usually stay shiny and what can be done to maintain their shine.

Possible Reasons for a Shiny Tattoo

Possible Reasons For A Shiny Tattoo

  • Aftercare: If proper aftercare is not taken, the tattoo will be prone to excessive amounts of sebum build up, which can make the tattoo shiny.
  • Infection: An infected tattoo can appear shiny and often has other signs of infection such as redness and soreness.
  • Peeling: As the tattoo peels, it can become shiny due to the new skin being exposed.
  • New Tattoos: Often, new tattoos will be shiny due to the excess ink that is still in the skin.
  • Excessive Moisture: Too much moisture on the tattoo can cause it to become shiny.
  • Fading: Over time, the ink in the tattoo will start to fade, leaving the area shiny.

How to Make Tattoos Less Shiny

How To Make Tattoos Less Shiny

  • Aftercare: To reduce the risk of sebum build up and shininess, it is important to properly care for the tattoo. Keep the area clean and dry and avoid using harsh soaps or lotions.
  • Moisturize: Using a light, non-comedogenic moisturizer can help to reduce the shininess of a tattoo.
  • Sunscreen: Applying a sunscreen to the tattoo can help to prevent the fading of the ink, as well as reduce the shininess.
  • Time: As time passes, the shininess of the tattoo will start to fade as the ink settles into the skin.



  • Why Is My Tattoo Shiny? There are a variety of reasons why your tattoo could be shiny, including the type of ink used, the color, the amount of ink used, the humidity, and the aftercare routine.
  • Why Is My Tattoo Still Shiny After a Month? The shininess of the tattoo could be a result of the type of ink used, the amount of ink used, and the humidity.
  • Why Is My Tattoo Shiny After Peeling? The shininess of the tattoo can be caused by the type of ink used and the amount of ink used.
  • Why Is My New Tattoo Shiny? The shininess of the tattoo can be caused by the type of ink used, the amount of ink used, and the humidity.
  • How to Make Tattoo Shiny? Making the tattoo shiny can be achieved by using a high-quality ink, ensuring proper aftercare, and avoiding moisture.
  • Why Is My Tattoo Shiny and Faded? This can be caused by the type of ink used, the amount of ink used, and the aftercare routine.
  • When Will My Tattoo Stop Being Shiny? The shininess of a tattoo typically fades over time.
  • How Long Do Tattoos Stay Shiny? The shininess of a tattoo can last for several weeks or longer depending on the type of ink used, the amount of ink used, and the aftercare routine.

In conclusion, the shininess of a tattoo can depend on many factors, including the type of ink used, the amount of ink used, the humidity, and the aftercare routine. It is important to take good care of your tattoo in order to ensure it stays as shiny as possible.

“Why Is My Tattoo Shiny?”

It is important to protect your tattoo to ensure it stays looking vibrant for as long as possible

Getting a tattoo is an exciting and permanent way to express yourself, but sometimes, your tattoo might not look quite like you expected it to. One of the common issues people encounter with their tattoos is that their ink can become shiny over time. If you’re wondering why your tattoo is shiny and what you can do about it, read on.

What Causes a Shiny Tattoo?

There are a few reasons why your tattoo might start to look shiny. One of the most common causes is that your tattoo was applied too deeply, which can cause a shiny or glossy effect. Another possibility is that you haven’t been taking the proper care of your tattoo, and the shiny appearance is a result of the ink beginning to fade.

How Can I Prevent My Tattoo From Becoming Shiny?

The best way to prevent your tattoo from becoming shiny is to make sure that you take proper care of it. Immediately after getting your tattoo, it is important to keep it clean and moisturized to ensure that it heals properly and that the ink stays vibrant. Additionally, it is important to avoid direct sunlight and to wear SPF when you are in the sun to prevent the colors from fading.

What Should I Do If My Tattoo Is Shiny?

If you notice that your tattoo is starting to look shiny, there are a few things that you can do. The most important thing is to make sure that you are taking proper care of your tattoo, as this will help to prevent the colors from fading. Additionally, you can look into getting a touch-up, as this can help to restore the colors and make your tattoo look more vibrant.

Taking good care of your tattoo is essential if you want it to look its best, and understanding why your tattoo is shiny and how you can prevent it can help you keep your ink looking vibrant for years to come.

Tattoo Shine Possibilities

Tattoo Shine Possibilities

  • Shiny from the start: New tattoos often have a glossy sheen to them that comes from a combination of the body’s natural oils, sweat and the inks used. This usually fades after a few days.
  • Fading inks: If the inks used to create your tattoo are of a lower quality, they may fade quickly, leaving the skin looking shiny or glossy.
  • Inflammation: When a tattoo is healing, the body’s natural healing process may cause inflammation and cause the skin to look shiny. This usually goes away after a few weeks.
  • Oils: Excessive amounts of oil and sweat can also lead to a shiny look. If your skin is naturally oily, it’s best to keep it clean and dry to prevent a shiny tattoo.
  • Peeling: As the skin peels from the tattoo, it may look shiny. This is normal and will usually subside after a few days.

How to Make Tattoo Shiny: To make your tattoo look shiny, you can apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or a light moisturizer. Avoid putting too much on, as this can make the tattoo look greasy and could lead to an infection. You can also use a tattoo-specific product like After Inked Tattoo Moisturizer or a body lotion specifically made for tattoos.

When Will My Tattoo Stop Being Shiny? The shine should subside after a few days or weeks, depending on the size of the tattoo and how well it’s healed. If your tattoo is still shiny after a month or so, it’s best to consult your tattoo artist or a doctor to make sure there isn’t an underlying issue.


  • Gleditsch, J., 2012. Tattoo aftercare: How to keep your tattoo looking fresh. Tattoos-For-Life.
  • Kellogg, C., 2017. Why is my new tattoo shiny? Live Strong.
  • Brooke, B., 2014. Tattoo Aftercare: How to Keep a Tattoo Looking Good. Tattoo Health.
  • McDaniel, A., 2018. Why is my tattoo still shiny after a month? Tattoo Advice.
  • Caceres, D., 2020. Why is my tattoo shiny and faded? Tattoos-For-Life.
  • Dorsey, A., 2019. When will my tattoo stop being shiny? Live Strong.
  • Moffitt, M., 2017. How to make a tattoo shiny. Tattoo Health.
  • Nguyen, V., 2020. How long do tattoos stay shiny? Tattoo Advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it Normal for a Tattoo to be Shiny?

Yes, it is normal for a tattoo to be shiny. Here are some of the possible reasons why you may have a shiny tattoo:

  • Moisturizing – If you’ve recently moisturized your tattoo, the combination of the cream and the heat of your body can make the tattoo appear shiny.
  • Ink Migration – As the skin heals, the ink can move slightly and the shiny appearance is caused by the movement of the ink.
  • New Ink – If you’ve recently gotten a tattoo, the shiny appearance is caused by the fresh ink and the healing process.
  • Too Much Sun Exposure – Too much sun exposure can cause the tattoo to become dry and shiny.

It is important to remember that a shiny tattoo is not necessarily a bad thing. However, if your tattoo is overly shiny or the shine is accompanied by redness or irritation, it is best to seek the advice of a dermatologist or tattoo artist.

How Can I Prevent My Tattoo From Becoming Shiny?

  • Keep your tattoo clean: Make sure to clean your tattoo twice a day with warm water and a mild soap. Pat the area dry with a clean towel, and don’t rub too hard. This will help keep the skin from becoming dry and irritated.
  • Moisturize: This is key in keeping your tattoo from becoming shiny. Use a quality, unscented moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and protected. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen when you’re out in the sun.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals: Don’t use products containing alcohol or fragrances, as these can irritate the skin and cause it to become shiny.
  • Wear loose clothing: Tight clothing can rub against the tattoo, causing it to become shiny. Wear loose-fitting garments to prevent this.

How Long Does It Take for a Tattoo to Become Shiny?

  • Fading: A tattoo will typically start to shine within 2-4 weeks of being applied.
  • Healing: The tattoo will remain shiny until it has fully healed, which can take up to 6 weeks.
  • Maintenance: After the tattoo has healed, it is important to maintain a regular routine of moisturizing and protecting it with sunscreen to keep the tattoo looking shiny for the long-term.

It is important to note that the shine of a tattoo can vary from person to person. Some may experience a more pronounced shine, while others may have a more subtle shine. Additionally, the type of ink used and the placement of the tattoo can also affect how shiny it appears.

Is there a way to make my tattoo less shiny?

Yes, there are several ways to reduce the shine of a tattoo. Firstly, applying a thin layer of moisturizer or lotion over the tattoo can help reduce some of the shine. Secondly, applying a thin layer of powder over the tattoo can help absorb excess oils, resulting in a more matte look. Lastly, using a tattoo sealant can help create a barrier between the tattoo and the skin, reducing shine and preventing the ink from smearing.

What Causes a Tattoo to Become Shiny?

A shiny tattoo is caused by a combination of factors, such as the tattoo’s age, the type of ink used, and the amount of care given to the area. As tattoos age, the ink particles can become more exposed to the elements, causing the tattoo to become more reflective. Inks with a higher concentration of metallic particles can also cause a tattoo to be more reflective. Additionally, an excessive amount of lotion or sun exposure can cause a tattoo to appear to have a glossy look.


Shiny tattoos are a unique form of body art that can express your unique style and personality. While many people enjoy the look of a shiny tattoo, it is important to understand the potential risks that come with getting one. If you are considering getting a shiny tattoo, make sure to do your research and consult with a qualified artist before making your decision.



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