How to Safely Fade Tattoos at Home: DIY Tattoo Removal Tips and Tricks

» Tattoo Tips » Health and Safety Practices » How to Safely Fade Tattoos at Home: DIY Tattoo Removal Tips and Tricks

Are you sick of your old tattoos, but too intimidated by the thought of laser removal? Trying to figure out how to fade tattoos at home? This simple guide will show you how to quickly and easily remove your ink without having to make an expensive trip to the doctor. With a few simple steps, you can safely and effectively fade your tattoos without the hassle.


What Is Involved in Fading a Tattoo at Home?

What Is Involved In Fading A Tattoo At Home?

Fading a tattoo at home is a relatively simple process and can be done with a few common household items. The process involves gently scrubbing the tattooed area with exfoliants, applying topical treatments, and protecting the area from sun exposure.


Exfoliant How to Use
Baking Soda Mix baking soda with water to create a paste and gently scrub the tattooed area.
Sea Salt Mix sea salt with water to create a paste and gently scrub the tattooed area.
Lemon Juice Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and gently dab it onto the tattooed area.

Topical Treatments

Topical Treatment How to Use
Hydroquinone Apply a small amount of hydroquinone to the tattooed area twice daily.
Aloe Vera Gel Apply aloe vera gel to the tattooed area twice daily.
Vitamin C Serum Apply a small amount of vitamin C serum to the tattooed area twice daily.

Sun Protection
It is important to protect the tattooed area from sun exposure and wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 when outdoors. This will help to prevent the tattoo from fading too quickly and will also help to prevent further skin damage.

By following these simple steps, you can quickly and easily fade your tattoo and lighten the appearance of your ink.

How to Lighten a Tattoo

How To Lighten A Tattoo

Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoo fading with laser treatments is the most efficient and effective method for lightening tattoos. Laser treatments involve the use of pulses of light energy to break down the pigment of the tattoo. It can take multiple treatments to achieve the desired result.

Chemical Tattoo Removal

Chemical tattoo removal involves the use of a special chemical solution to break down the pigment of the tattoo. This method is a less expensive and less time consuming option, but it is not as effective as laser treatments.

Natural Tattoo Removal

For those looking to fade their tattoos naturally, there are several options available. Natural methods of tattoo fading include using topical creams and ointments, using natural oils, applying lemon juice to the tattoo, and using exfoliants. However, it is important to note that these methods may take longer to see results than laser or chemical treatments.

Tips for Making a Tattoo Disappear

Tips For Making A Tattoo Disappear


Using a sunscreen with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is an important step in how to lighten a tattoo at home. UV rays from the sun can cause fading, so it’s important to apply sunscreen to the area whenever exposed to the sun.


Gently exfoliating the area can help to fade the tattoo. This can be done by using a mild exfoliant or a body scrub, but avoid using anything too harsh or abrasive.

Choose the Right Ink Colour

The colour of the ink used for the tattoo can have an effect on how easily it can be removed. Inks with a yellow or orange base are more easily faded than darker inks such as black or blue.

Safety Precautions When Fading a Tattoo at Home

Safety Precautions When Fading A Tattoo At Home

  • Read instructions carefully: Before attempting to fade a tattoo at home, always read the instructions or manufacturer’s guide thoroughly.
  • Test the cream: Before applying any cream to a full tattoo, patch test a small area of the skin first. If an adverse reaction occurs, cease use and seek medical advice.
  • Wear gloves: Always wear gloves when applying a cream to a tattoo or any other area of the body.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes: Keep the cream away from the eyes, and if contact is made, rinse the area with cold water and seek medical advice.
  • Do not use on sensitive areas: Do not apply the cream to sensitive areas of the body including the face, neck, and genital areas.
  • Do not exceed the recommended amount: Do not apply more cream than what is recommended. Exceeding the amount can cause an adverse reaction.
  • Discontinue use: If an adverse reaction occurs, discontinue use immediately and seek medical advice.

When fading a tattoo at home, it is essential that safety precautions are taken in order to avoid any adverse reactions or further skin damage. By taking the necessary steps to ensure safety, you can easily and quickly make a tattoo disappear.

Cost of Fading a Tattoo at Home

Cost Of Fading A Tattoo At Home

  • Laser Treatment: The cost of laser treatment to remove a tattoo can range from $200 to $500 per session. Depending on the size of the tattoo and the number of sessions required, the cost of laser tattoo removal can add up quickly.
  • Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion is a procedure that uses an abrasive brush or diamond wheel to remove the top layers of skin. This procedure is often used to remove tattoos, but it can be expensive. Prices vary depending on the size of the tattoo, but it can cost up to $800 per session.
  • Tattoo Fading Creams: There are several creams available on the market that claim to fade tattoos. Most of these creams range in price from $30 to $100 for a one-month supply. However, the effectiveness of these creams is questionable.
  • Tattoo Removal Ointments: There are several tattoo removal ointments available on the market. These ointments typically cost between $50 and $100 for a month’s supply. As with tattoo fading creams, the effectiveness of these ointments is questionable.

Overall, the cost of fading a tattoo at home depends on the method you choose. Laser treatment is the most expensive option but it is also the most effective. Dermabrasion and tattoo fading creams and ointments are cheaper but may not be as effective.

Results You Can Expect

Results You Can Expect

Fading tattoos at home can produce impressive results. It should be expected that fading will take multiple treatments, and results will vary depending on the size, color, and type of ink used. Generally, lighter colors will be easier to fade than darker ones, and some colors may not fade at all.

Treatment Results
Lemon Juice Lemon juice is most effective on lighter colors, such as yellow, orange, and green. However, it can also help to fade more difficult colors such as red and blue.
Salt and Water Salt and water can help to fade tattoos, but it is not as effective as other treatments. It is best used for light colors.
Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is an effective treatment for fading tattoos. It is most effective on darker colors, such as black, blue, and green.
Vitamin E Oil Vitamin E oil is an effective treatment for fading tattoos. It is most effective on darker colors, such as black, blue, and green.
Laser Removal Laser removal is the most effective way to fade tattoos, but it is also the most expensive. It is effective on all colors and can be used to completely remove the tattoo.

Alternatives to Fading a Tattoo

  • Laser Tattoo Removal: This is the most popular and effective method of fading or removing tattoos. Laser removal works by targeting the tattoo’s pigments with a highly concentrated beam of light. The light breaks down the pigments, which are then absorbed by the body. Laser removal can be expensive and may require multiple treatments, but it is the most effective method available.
  • Surgical Tattoo Removal: This is a more invasive method of tattoo removal in which a doctor physically removes the tattoo using a scalpel. The doctor will then stitch up the tattooed area to complete the removal process. Surgical tattoo removal is more expensive than laser removal and may require a longer recovery period. It is also not as effective as laser removal.
  • Dermabrasion: This type of tattoo removal involves using an abrasive tool to sand away the top layers of the skin. It can be painful and can lead to scarring, so it is not recommended for larger tattoos. It is also not as effective as laser removal.
  • Tattoo Removal Creams: These creams contain ingredients which help to break down the tattoo ink. However, these creams are not as effective as laser removal and can lead to skin irritation. If you decide to use one of these creams, be sure to follow the instructions carefully.
  • Cover-ups: Covering up a tattoo with a new design is an effective way to hide an unwanted tattoo. This method is much less expensive than laser removal and can give you a fresh start with a new look. However, cover-ups can be difficult to do, so it’s a good idea to consult a professional tattoo artist before attempting one.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Possible Side Effects of Fading a Tattoo at Home?

  • Allergic Reactions: Fading a tattoo at home can cause an allergic reaction, especially if the fading product contains certain ingredients. The most common allergic reactions are itching, redness, and swelling. Other reactions such as hives, blisters, and rashes can also occur.
  • Skin Irritation: Fading a tattoo at home can cause skin irritation and inflammation. This is because the fading process can strip away natural oils and moisture from the skin, leaving it feeling dry and irritated.
  • Infection: Fading a tattoo at home can increase the risk of infection. This is because the fading process can create microscopic openings in the skin, which can allow bacteria and other microbes to enter.
  • Scarring: Fading a tattoo at home can cause permanent scarring if done incorrectly. This can range from small white spots to large raised bumps, depending on the type of fading product used.

How long does it take for a tattoo to fade using the home fading method?

Using a home fading method to remove your tattoo can be a quick and cost-effective solution, but it is important to understand how long it will take for the ink to completely fade. The following factors will affect the timeline:

  • Tattoo Size: The larger the tattoo, the longer it will take for the ink to fade.
  • Tattoo Type: Professional tattoos will take longer to fade than homemade tattoos.
  • Fading Method Used: Different fading methods have different timelines.
  • Number of Sessions: The more fading sessions you have, the faster the tattoo will fade.

On average, it can take up to 6 weeks or longer for a tattoo to fade using a home fading method. You may need to repeat the process several times to achieve the desired result. Additionally, the fading process may be slower if the tattoo is large or if the ink is deep and dense.

What other materials will I need to purchase in order to fade a tattoo at home?

You will need to purchase a tattoo fading cream or gel, such as a hydroquinone cream or hydrogen peroxide gel, to help fade the tattoo. Additionally, you will need to purchase a topical anesthetic to help reduce discomfort during the fading process. You may also need to purchase other items such as a tattoo cover up, bandages, and protective clothing.

Is it Possible to Fade a Dark or Colored Tattoo With This Method?

  • Yes: It is possible to fade a dark or colored tattoo with this method.
  • How: The fading process requires lightening the ink, which can be done by using lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, and other lightening agents.
  • Duration: It may take up to several months for a full fading process.
  • Safety: This method is considered safe, although it is important to not overdo it and to follow directions closely.

Are there any special techniques that should be used while fading a tattoo?

Yes, there are some special techniques that should be used to fade a tattoo. Exfoliation is one of the most important methods for fading tattoos. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and helps bring out the pigments of the tattoo, making it easier to fade. Additionally, chemical peels can be used to help lighten the tattoo’s color and make it easier to fade. Finally, laser tattoo removal is an effective method for fading tattoos. Laser treatments can penetrate deeper into the skin, allowing for more effective removal of the tattoo pigment.


Tattoo fading at home can be a safe, inexpensive way to reduce the visibility of your tattoos. It is important to understand the risks and safety precautions involved before attempting to do so. However, if you follow the right steps and use the right products, fading your tattoos can be a quick and easy way to lighten and eventually remove your ink.


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