How to Apply Temporary Face Tattoos: A Guide to Adding Fun and Unique Tattoos to Your Face

» Tattoo Tips » Health and Safety Practices » How to Apply Temporary Face Tattoos: A Guide to Adding Fun and Unique Tattoos to Your Face

Are you looking for a way to get creative and make a statement? Temporary face tattoos are a great way to express yourself and can be applied in a variety of ways. This article will provide you with some tips on how to apply temporary face tattoos and give you ideas on how to incorporate them into your look. With these tips, you can create a unique and eye-catching look that will make a statement.


Advantages of Temporary Face Tattoos

Advantages Of Temporary Face Tattoos

Flexibility: Unlike permanent tattoos, temporary face tattoos can be removed without the need for painful laser treatments. This gives you the flexibility to change up your look as often as you like.

Cost: Temporary face tattoos are much cheaper than permanent tattoos, so they are a great way to try out a design before committing to a more expensive and permanent option.

Safety: Temporary face tattoos are made from non-toxic, safe materials and can be easily removed with a make-up remover or baby oil.

Variety: Temporary face tattoos come in a wide range of designs and colors, so you can find something to suit your style and personality.

Painless: Temporary face tattoos are completely painless, so you can enjoy wearing them without any discomfort.

How to Apply Temporary Tattoo over Makeup: To apply a temporary face tattoo over makeup, use a cotton swab or a makeup brush to apply the tattoo in a thin layer. Allow it to dry and then apply a layer of makeup or powder to help it stay in place.

Preparation for Applying Temporary Face Tattoos

Preparation For Applying Temporary Face Tattoos

Materials Needed

To get creative with temporary face tattoos, you will need some basic materials. These include a set of temporary face tattoos, a pair of scissors, a damp cloth, and some petroleum jelly or alcohol wipes.

Skin Preparation

Before applying the temporary face tattoos, it is important to prepare the skin. First, use an alcohol wipe or petroleum jelly to clean the skin. Then, use a damp cloth to remove any dirt, sweat, or oil from the area. This will help ensure that the temporary face tattoos will stick and last longer.

Note: The skin should be completely dry before applying the temporary face tattoos.

Applying Temporary Face Tattoos

Applying Temporary Face Tattoos

Preparing the Face Tattoo

Start by washing your face with a mild soap and warm water. Pat your face dry with a clean towel and make sure your skin is free of oils. To avoid any reactions, test the tattoo against a small area of your skin. If no irritation occurs, you can proceed with the application.

Applying the Face Tattoo

To apply the face tattoo, start by cutting the desired design out of the sheet. Peel the clear backing off of the design. Place the tattoo face down on your skin and hold a wet cloth on it for about 30 seconds. Carefully peel off the paper backing, and the tattoo will be stuck to your face.

Applying the Temporary Tattoo over Makeup

If you want to apply a temporary face tattoo over makeup, start by ensuring your skin is clean. Wait for your makeup to dry completely before applying the tattoo. This will ensure better adhesion and longer-lasting results. Peel the clear backing off of the design and press it firmly against the makeup. Use a wet cloth to hold the tattoo in place. Peel off the paper backing and your temporary tattoo will be attached to your skin.

Design Options for Temporary Face Tattoos

Design Options For Temporary Face Tattoos

Glittery Gems: Glittery gems are one of the most popular and eye-catching temporary face tattoo designs. These gems come in various shapes, sizes, and colors and are applied with a special adhesive. This type of temporary face tattoo can last up to five days and is usually applied to the forehead, cheekbones, and chin.

Henna Tattoos: Henna tattoos are a form of body art that uses a paste made from the henna plant. This form of temporary tattoo is applied to the skin with a brush or cone, and can last for up to two weeks. Henna tattoos are usually applied to the forehead, cheeks, and chin and come in a range of designs.

Flash Tattoos: Flash tattoos are another type of temporary face tattoo. These tattoos are created with a special adhesive and come in a range of designs. Flash tattoos can last up to four days and are usually applied to the forehead, cheekbones, and chin.

Airbrush Tattoos: Airbrush tattoos are created with a special airbrush machine and come in a range of designs. These tattoos can last up to one week and are usually applied to the forehead, cheeks, and chin.

Bling Tattoos: Bling tattoos are a type of temporary face tattoo that uses rhinestones and jewelry to create a unique and eye-catching design. These tattoos can last up to two weeks and are usually applied to the forehead, cheeks, and chin.

Temporary Tattoo Stencils: Temporary tattoo stencils are a great way to create a unique and custom design. These stencils come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are applied with a special adhesive. Temporary tattoo stencils can last up to one week and are usually applied to the forehead, cheeks, and chin.

Stickers and Glitter Tattoos: Stickers and glitter tattoos are another type of temporary face tattoo. These stickers come in a range of designs and are applied with a special adhesive. Stickers and glitter tattoos can last up to three days and are usually applied to the forehead, cheeks, and chin.

Caring for Temporary Face Tattoos

Caring For Temporary Face Tattoos

  • Avoid Water: Temporary tattoos should not be in contact with water. This includes swimming, showering, and sweating. Instead, use a damp cloth or baby wipes to gently cleanse the area.
  • Avoid Sunlight: Direct sunlight can cause fading and discoloration of temporary tattoos. If possible, stay out of direct sunlight while wearing a temporary tattoo.
  • Avoid Excessive Touching: The oils from your skin can cause temporary tattoos to fade or become discolored. Avoid touching or scratching the tattooed area.
  • Remove with Rubbing Alcohol: Rubbing alcohol can be used to remove temporary tattoos. Apply the rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball and gently rub the tattooed area until the tattoo fades or is removed.
  • Reapply After Showering: Temporary tattoos may need to be reapplied after showering or exercising. This will help to prevent fading and discoloration of the tattoo.

Removing Temporary Face Tattoos

Removing Temporary Face Tattoos

Temporary face tattoos are easy and quick to apply, but it’s important to know how to remove them before you get started. To remove temporary face tattoos, you will need to use one of the following methods: rubbing alcohol, baby oil, or makeup remover.

Rubbing alcohol is an effective and easy way to remove temporary face tattoos. Simply saturate a cotton pad or ball with rubbing alcohol and gently rub over the tattoo. This method works best when the tattoo is still wet.

Baby oil is another great option for removing temporary face tattoos. Put some baby oil on a cotton pad or ball and gently rub over the tattoo.

Makeup remover is also an effective way to remove temporary face tattoos. Put some makeup remover on a cotton pad or ball and gently rub over the tattoo. This method works best for tattoos that have already dried.

When you are done removing the temporary face tattoo, make sure to wash the area with soap and water to remove any residue from the remover. Then, apply a moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated.

Remember: It’s always a good idea to test the removal method on a small area before using it on your face.

Pros and Cons of Temporary Face Tattoos


  • A great way to express yourself and make a statement.
  • An easy and safe way to try out a design before committing to a permanent facial tattoo.
  • Temporary tattoos are a great way to show off your creativity without making a long-term commitment.
  • They are affordable and easy to find.
  • They can be applied in a matter of minutes.
  • They are easy to remove with a wet cloth or rubbing alcohol.


  • No matter how well you apply the tattoo, it won’t have the same look and feel as a permanent one.
  • If not applied correctly, temporary tattoos will smudge, fade, or peel off.
  • The inks used in temporary tattoos are not regulated and may contain harmful chemicals.
  • They can be difficult to remove and may leave behind a stain.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do Temporary Face Tattoos Last?

Temporary face tattoos typically last anywhere from 3-7 days. They can last longer depending on the environment and the quality of the tattoo. For instance, a face tattoo that is exposed to a lot of moisture or friction may not last as long as one that is better protected.

What Types of Materials are Used for Temporary Face Tattoos?

Temporary face tattoos are made with a variety of materials, including cosmetic-grade glitter, henna, and metallic tattoos. These materials are safe to use on skin, and are specifically designed to be lightweight and long-lasting. Glitter tattoos offer a shimmery, glamorous look, while henna tattoos create a dark, intricate, and bold design. Metallic tattoos are a great way to add a pop of color, and are the perfect way to make a statement.

Are Temporary Face Tattoos Safe to Use?

  • FDA-Approved: Make sure that the temporary face tattoos you purchase are FDA-approved, so you can be sure that the ingredients used are safe for use on your skin.
  • Non-Toxic: Temporary face tattoos should be non-toxic and made of natural ingredients, such as food-grade pigments, so that they won’t cause any irritation or adverse reactions.
  • Hypoallergenic: Temporary face tattoos should also be hypoallergenic to prevent any potential allergic reactions.
  • Non-Comedogenic: Temporary face tattoos should also be non-comedogenic, which means they won’t clog your pores or cause breakouts.

When wearing a temporary face tattoo, you should always make sure that it is safe and non-toxic. Take the necessary precautions to ensure that the temporary face tattoos you purchase are FDA-approved, made of non-toxic ingredients, hypoallergenic, and non-comedogenic. This will help ensure that you get the best possible results, without any adverse reactions or skin irritation.

Are There Any Precautions I Should Take Before Applying a Temporary Face Tattoo?

Before applying any type of temporary face tattoo, make sure to clean the intended area of the skin with soap and water. Additionally, test the tattoo on another part of the body for any potential skin sensitivity or adverse reactions, such as redness or itching. Follow the directions on the tattoo package, and remove the tattoo according to the instructions. If irritation occurs, remove the tattoo immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.

Are There Any Specific Techniques I Should Use When Removing a Temporary Face Tattoo?

Removing a temporary face tattoo can be done in a few steps. Firstly, clean the area with a mild cleanser. Secondly, use an oil-based makeup remover to break down the temporary tattoo and then use a damp cloth to wipe it off. You can also use rubbing alcohol to remove the tattoo. Lastly, rinse the area with lukewarm water to remove any traces of the tattoo.


Temporary face tattoos are a fun, creative way to express yourself and make a statement. Whether you choose a subtle design or something more bold, you can be sure that your temporary face tattoo will draw attention and get people talking. Plus, they are easy to apply, affordable, and won’t cause any permanent damage. So get ready to make your statement with a temporary face tattoo!


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