Find Out Exactly How Long Your Tattoo Numbing Cream Will Last

» Tattoo Tips » Health and Safety Practices » Find Out Exactly How Long Your Tattoo Numbing Cream Will Last

If you are considering getting a tattoo, one of the questions you may have is “how long does tattoo numbing cream last?” Numbing cream is an effective tool to help make your tattoo session more comfortable, but it is important to understand how long it will last to get the best results. In this article, we will discuss what to expect when using tattoo numbing cream so that you can make the most of your tattoo experience.


What Is Tattoo Numbing Cream?

What Is Tattoo Numbing Cream?

Tattoo numbing cream is a topical anesthetic used to reduce the pain associated with getting a tattoo. It works by blocking the nerve signals that cause pain, providing a numbing sensation in the area where the tattoo is being applied. This can make the tattoo process more comfortable and less painful for the recipient.

The main ingredient in tattoo numbing cream is usually a form of local anesthetic such as lidocaine, prilocaine, or tetracaine. These ingredients work by blocking the nerves that cause pain, making the area numb and reducing the sensation of pain. The cream is usually applied in a thin layer to the area where the tattoo is being applied, usually about 30 minutes before the procedure begins.

Benefits of Tattoo Numbing Cream
Reduces pain during tattooing
Helps keep the area comfortable
Allows for longer sessions

It is important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer when using tattoo numbing cream, as it can be dangerous if used incorrectly. In general, it is best to apply the cream in a thin layer to the area to be tattooed and to allow it to sit for the recommended amount of time before the procedure begins. It is also important to remember to wash off the cream before the tattooing process begins.

When used properly, tattoo numbing cream can make the tattooing process much more comfortable and bearable for the recipient. If you are considering getting a tattoo, it can be beneficial to look into using numbing cream to reduce the pain and make the experience more enjoyable.

How Does Tattoo Numbing Cream Work?

How Does Tattoo Numbing Cream Work?
Tattoo numbing creams are used to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by tattooing. They contain a variety of topical anesthetics, such as lidocaine, benzocaine, and tetracaine, that work by blocking the nerve signals that cause pain. The anesthetic is absorbed through the skin and numbs the area to be tattooed. When applied correctly, the numbing cream can make the experience of getting a tattoo much more comfortable.

It is important to note that tattoo numbing creams do not completely eliminate the sensation of getting a tattoo, as the anesthetic does not go deep enough to block out the sensation of the needle. It does, however, make it much more bearable.

The effects of tattoo numbing cream can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the type and strength of the anesthetic used. If you are looking for a numbing cream for tattoos, be sure to read the instructions on the packaging and ask your tattoo artist for advice. Many tattoo shops sell numbing creams, so you can also ask them where you can find the right numbing cream for your tattoo.

What Ingredients Are Found in Tattoo Numbing Cream?

What Ingredients Are Found In Tattoo Numbing Cream?
Tattoo numbing cream is a topical anesthetic that can help reduce the pain associated with getting a tattoo. It contains a variety of ingredients that work together to reduce the pain and discomfort of the tattoo process.

Here are some of the most common ingredients found in tattoo numbing cream:

  • Lidocaine – This is an anesthetic that works to reduce pain by temporarily numbing the area around the tattoo.
  • Tetracaine – This is another anesthetic that works to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with getting a tattoo.
  • Benzocaine – This is a mild anesthetic that helps to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with getting a tattoo.
  • Aloe Vera – This is a natural ingredient that helps to soothe and moisturize the skin, reducing the discomfort associated with getting a tattoo.
  • Vitamin E – This is a natural ingredient that helps to reduce inflammation and redness associated with getting a tattoo.

Tattoo numbing cream can make the tattoo experience more comfortable and can help reduce the pain associated with getting a tattoo. It is important to understand how effective numbing cream can be when it comes to reducing the pain and discomfort of getting a tattoo.

If you are considering getting a tattoo, it is important to talk to your tattoo artist about the use of numbing cream to make your tattoo session more comfortable.

How Long Does Tattoo Numbing Cream Last?

How Long Does Tattoo Numbing Cream Last?

Tattoo numbing cream can be a great solution to make the tattooing process more comfortable, but how long does it last?

  • Depending on the cream, the effects can last for up to a few hours.
  • Most creams will reach peak effectiveness 15-30 minutes after application.
  • The active ingredients in the cream will slowly wear off over time.
  • If you are planning a longer tattoo session, you may want to reapply the cream halfway through.

It is important to note that how long does tattoo numbing cream take to work will vary depending on the cream used. Some creams may take longer to take effect, while others may wear off faster. It is always best to consult with your tattoo artist before using any numbing cream to make sure you are using the right product.

How to Use Tattoo Numbing Cream

How To Use Tattoo Numbing Cream

  • Choose an FDA-approved numbing cream – Tattoo numbing creams come with different ingredients. It is important to choose an FDA-approved cream to ensure it is safe to use.
  • Clean the area – Use an antibacterial soap and warm water to clean the area thoroughly. Rinse the area with water and dry with a clean paper towel.
  • Apply the cream – Apply a generous amount of numbing cream over the area where the tattoo will be done. The cream should be spread evenly over the area.
  • Cover the area – Cover the area with a clean piece of plastic wrap or a bandage. This will help the cream to stay in place and increase its effectiveness.
  • Leave the cream on for at least 45 minutes – Allow the cream to stay on the skin for at least 45 minutes before removing it. This will ensure that the cream has had enough time to take effect.
  • Wash off the cream – Once the cream has been on the skin for at least 45 minutes, wash off the cream with warm water and a mild soap.
  • Start the tattooing process – Once the area is clean and dry, you can start the tattooing process. The area should be numb and you should not feel any pain.

Where Can I Find Numbing Cream for Tattoos?

Where Can I Find Numbing Cream For Tattoos?
Tattoo Numbing Creams are available for purchase at local drugstores, tattoo parlors, and online retailers. Some of the more popular brands include:

  • Dr. Numb
  • Hush Anesthetic
  • Tattoo Numb
  • Magic Numb
  • Lidocaine Plus

These creams are designed to reduce pain during a tattooing process by numbing the skin. They are typically applied to the area before the needle starts to penetrate the skin. After the cream is applied, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to become effective. It is important to follow the instructions on the package and to use the cream sparingly to ensure that it does not wear off during the tattooing process.

Before applying the cream, it is important to make sure that it is safe to use. Check the ingredients on the package to ensure that it is free of any ingredients that could cause an allergic reaction or other adverse effects. Additionally, never use numbing creams on sensitive areas such as the face, neck, or genitalia.

Tattoo Numbing Creams are a great way to make the tattooing process more comfortable. They can be found at most local drugstores, tattoo parlors, and online retailers. Before using the cream, make sure to check the ingredients for any potential allergens, and never apply it to sensitive areas. By following these steps, you can make your tattoo session much more comfortable.

How Effective Is Numbing Cream for Tattoos?

How Effective Is Numbing Cream For Tattoos?

  • Numbing cream is designed to reduce the pain associated with a tattoo.
  • It works by blocking the nerve signals that transmit pain from the skin to the brain.
  • The cream must be applied an hour before the start of the tattooing process.
  • Numbing cream can reduce the pain of a tattoo by up to 80%.
  • It is especially effective for those with a low pain threshold.
  • It can also help to reduce anxiety and stress during the tattooing process.
  • Numbing cream is safe to use and has no known side effects.

How Long Does Tattoo Numbing Cream Take to Work?

Tattoo numbing cream is an effective way to reduce the pain of getting a tattoo. The numbing cream works by blocking the nerve signals from the skin, providing a more relaxed and comfortable tattoo experience. But the question is, how long does tattoo numbing cream take to work?

  • The numbing cream takes about 15-30 minutes to kick in. Generally, the numbing cream should be applied directly to the area to be tattooed at least 15 minutes prior to starting the tattoo. This will give the numbing cream time to take effect and help reduce the pain.
  • The numbing cream can last up to an hour or two. Depending on the type of numbing cream used, it can last anywhere from one to two hours. If a longer session is anticipated, it is best to apply a fresh coat of the numbing cream every hour to ensure that the area is still numb.
  • The numbing cream will start to wear off after a few hours. After a couple hours, the numbing cream will start to wear off and the area may start to feel more sensitive again. It is important to keep the area covered with a bandage and to use a good aftercare cream to keep the area moisturized and reduce scabbing.

Using a numbing cream is a great way to reduce the pain of a tattoo and make your tattoo session more comfortable. When using a numbing cream, it is important to follow the instructions on the product and wait the recommended amount of time before starting the tattoo. This will ensure that the numbing cream has taken effect and will help reduce the pain of the tattoo.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type of Numbing Cream is Typically Used for Tattoos?

Numbing creams typically used for tattoos contain lidocaine and/or prilocaine. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that works to temporarily block the nerve signals that cause pain. Prilocaine is a local anesthetic that works to reduce pain, inflammation, and discomfort. Both help to make the tattooing process more comfortable.

Is Numbing Cream Necessary for a Tattoo Session?

Yes! Numbing cream is an important part of a successful tattoo session. It reduces the pain and discomfort of the procedure, allowing for a smoother and more enjoyable process. Here are some of the benefits of using numbing cream during a tattoo session:

  • Reduces pain and discomfort
  • Provides a smoother process
  • Makes the tattoo experience more enjoyable
  • Helps keep the skin hydrated and healthy
  • Reduces the risk of infection

Numbing cream is not only beneficial during the tattoo session itself, but also during the aftercare process. It can help reduce inflammation and irritation, as well as reduce the risk of infection by preventing bacteria from entering the wound.

Overall, numbing cream is a must-have for any tattoo session. It can make the entire process far more comfortable and enjoyable, and reduce the risk of any complications.

How Soon Before a Tattoo Session Should Numbing Cream Be Applied?

The best time to apply a numbing cream is at least 45 minutes before a tattoo session begins. This will allow the cream to take full effect and help reduce pain and discomfort during the tattooing process. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and use.

Are There Any Potential Risks Associated with Using Numbing Cream?

Using numbing cream for tattoos comes with some potential risks. It can cause skin discoloration, allergic reactions, and infection if not used properly. It is important to properly clean and sanitize the area before and after using the numbing cream and to remove the cream after the recommended time. It is also important to follow the instructions of the numbing cream manufacturer.

Is There a Maximum Amount of Time That Numbing Cream Should Be Used for a Tattoo Session?

Numbing cream is an effective way to reduce pain and discomfort during a tattoo session, however, it should not be used for longer than necessary. Generally, numbing cream should be used for no more than 60 minutes. Applying numbing cream for longer than this could cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction. After the cream has worn off, the tattoo artist may need to reapply it to ensure the comfort of the person being tattooed.


Tattoo numbing cream is a great way to make your tattoo experience more comfortable. The effects of the numbing cream can last up to two hours, depending on the composition of the cream and the area of the body where the tattoo is being applied. Make sure to consult with your tattoo artist to get the best advice for managing your numbing cream and to ensure that you get the best possible tattoo experience.


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