The Painful Reality of Tattoo Removal: How Badly Does It Hurt?

» Tattoo Tips » Health and Safety Practices » The Painful Reality of Tattoo Removal: How Badly Does It Hurt?

If you are considering getting rid of a tattoo, you may be wondering how badly does tattoo removal hurt? Tattoo removal is a process that involves the use of lasers to break up and remove the ink particles from beneath the skin. While the pain associated with this process can vary depending on the individual, it is generally considered to be much less painful than the initial tattooing. In this article, we will discuss the facts about tattoo removal and how painful it really is.


What Is Tattoo Removal?

What Is Tattoo Removal?

Tattoo removal is the process of removing an existing tattoo in order to either cover it up with a new design or completely remove it. Tattoo removal methods vary, depending on the size and style of the tattoo. The most common tattoo removal method is laser tattoo removal, which is done by using a laser to break up the pigment of the tattoo. This process can be very painful and can take several sessions to complete. Other methods of tattoo removal include surgical excision and chemical peels.

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Feel?

Laser tattoo removal feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin. The sensation is often described as similar to a hot grease splatter. Pain levels vary from person to person, but most people report that it is uncomfortable but bearable. The sensation usually only lasts for a few minutes, and there is no long-term pain associated with the procedure. The area may be red and slightly swollen for a few days after the procedure, but this should not be painful.

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

Laser tattoo removal is a non-invasive procedure that uses pulses of laser light energy to break down the ink particles in the tattoo. The laser light is absorbed by the tattoo pigment and causes the ink particles to break down into smaller particles, which are then dissolved by the body’s natural processes. The laser light also causes the surrounding skin to be heated, which helps to reduce inflammation, swelling and discomfort.

The procedure is usually repeated several times to ensure that all of the ink is removed. Depending on the type of laser used, the size and location of the tattoo, and the individual’s skin type, multiple treatments may be required to completely remove the tattoo.

The process of laser tattoo removal can be uncomfortable, especially in areas where the ink is deeper in the skin. It is important to note that the discomfort associated with laser tattoo removal is not the same as the discomfort experienced during the actual tattooing process. The pain experienced during a laser tattoo removal treatment is often described as a snapping or stinging sensation.

The pain of laser tattoo removal can be minimized by using a topical anesthetic or numbing cream prior to the treatment. Additionally, some laser clinics offer cooling devices, such as a cooling fan or cold air machine, to help reduce the discomfort.

When considering laser tattoo removal, it is important to understand why it can be painful. Laser tattoo removal can be uncomfortable because it is a process of breaking down the ink particles with laser light energy. The heat generated by the laser light can cause discomfort and pain, but with the use of a topical anesthetic, numbing cream, or cooling devices, this discomfort can be minimized.

How Badly Does Tattoo Removal Hurt?

How Badly Does Tattoo Removal Hurt?

Does It Hurt When You Remove a Tattoo?

Tattoo removal does hurt, but the degree of pain depends on the type of tattoo removal procedure used. Laser tattoo removal is generally seen as the most painful option, while other methods such as dermabrasion and salabrasion may be more painful for some people.

Why Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt?

Laser tattoo removal involves using a high-powered laser to break down the ink that makes up the tattoo. The laser causes a burning sensation as the ink is broken down, and this can be very painful for some people, especially those with sensitive skin.

How Does a Tattoo Removal Feel?

The sensation of a tattoo removal can vary between individuals. Generally, the feeling is similar to that of a rubber band snapping against the skin, and some people may experience a burning or stinging sensation.

Why Is Tattoo Removal So Painful?

Tattoo removal is often painful because the laser energy used to break down the ink can cause damage to the surrounding skin tissue. This can cause inflammation and discomfort, and may even cause blistering or scabbing of the skin. The pain may be more intense for people with sensitive skin, and can be further exacerbated by the heat of the laser energy.

What Are the Alternatives to Laser Tattoo Removal?

What Are The Alternatives To Laser Tattoo Removal?

Although laser tattoo removal is considered the most effective method for removing tattoos, there are other alternatives available. These alternatives may not be as effective as laser treatments, but they can provide some level of tattoo removal.


Salabrasion is a process that removes the tattoo ink by rubbing the area with a salt solution. This method can be painful and can cause scarring, and is not recommended for sensitive skin.


Dermabrasion is a method that involves sanding off the top layers of skin to remove the tattoo. This method can be painful and can cause scarring, and is not recommended for sensitive skin.

Tattoo Removal Creams

Tattoo removal creams are available over-the-counter and can be used to lighten tattoos. Although these creams may lighten the tattoo, they will not completely remove it and can cause skin irritation.


Excision is a process that involves cutting out the tattooed skin, and then stitching the surrounding skin back together. This method is not recommended due to the risk of scarring and potential health risks associated with the surgery.

Ultimately, the only way to truly remove a tattoo is through laser treatments. Although these methods may be painful and expensive, they are the safest and most effective way to remove a tattoo. So, if you’re asking yourself “Does it hurt when you remove a tattoo?”, the answer is yes. But, the pain and cost can be worth it for the long-term results.

What Are the Risks of Tattoo Removal?

What Are The Risks Of Tattoo Removal?

Tattoo removal is a medical procedure that carries some inherent risks. Before undergoing the procedure, it is important to be aware of the potential complications that may arise. Some of the risks of tattoo removal include:

  • Infection: Tattoo removal can cause the skin to become irritated and vulnerable to infection. It is important to keep the area clean and use antibiotics as prescribed to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Scarring: Scarring is a common risk of tattoo removal, especially for individuals with darker skin tones. The risk of scarring can be reduced by following the instructions of a professional tattoo removal technician.
  • Changes in Skin Color: Tattoo removal can cause the skin to become discolored. This discoloration may be permanent, but it can often be diminished with time.
  • Nerve Damage: Depending on the method used to remove a tattoo, it is possible that nerves in the area of the tattoo may be damaged. This is usually temporary but could potentially lead to permanent nerve damage.
  • Pain: How does a tattoo removal feel? Tattoo removal can be quite painful, depending on the size and location of the tattoo as well as the method used. The level of pain will vary from person to person, but it usually involves a burning or prickly sensation.

Before undergoing any type of tattoo removal procedure, it is important to weigh the risks and benefits of the procedure and to consult with a professional.

What Is the Cost of Tattoo Removal?

What Is The Cost Of Tattoo Removal?
The cost of tattoo removal can vary depending on the size, complexity, and location of the tattoo. Generally, laser tattoo removal costs between $200 and $500 per session. The number of sessions needed to remove a tattoo will depend on the size, depth, and color of the tattoo. Some tattoo removal treatments may require six or more sessions. Complex designs, such as those that have multiple colors, may require additional sessions for complete removal. It is important to note that the cost of tattoo removal may exceed the cost of the original tattoo.

Aftercare of Tattoo Removal

  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to help the body heal and flush out the ink particles.
  • Cover: Cover the treatment area with a bandage and keep it clean and dry.
  • Moisturize: Apply a moisturizer to the area to keep it from becoming dry and itchy.
  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect the treated area from direct sunlight, as UV rays can damage the skin.
  • Avoid Swimming and Hot Tubs: Keep the area dry and away from water, as swimming and hot tubs can increase the risk of infection.
  • Stay Out of Tanning Beds: Tanning beds can cause skin damage, so it is important to avoid them after tattoo removal.
  • Avoid Scratching: Scratching the area can cause irritation and can lead to infection.
  • Follow Up Appointments: It is important to follow up with your doctor to ensure the area is healing properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks associated with tattoo removal?

Tattoo removal is a procedure that carries a few risks. Some of the potential risks include:

    Pain: Tattoo removal can be painful, and may require the use of a local anesthetic.
    Scarring: Removal of a tattoo can result in scarring.
    Infection: Tattoos are created by breaking the skin, so there is a risk of infection during the removal process.
    Allergic Reaction: Allergic reactions can occur if a person is allergic to the ink used in the tattoo.
    Changes in Skin Pigmentation: The removal process may lead to changes in the skin’s pigmentation.

It is important to discuss all potential risks with a doctor before undergoing a tattoo removal procedure.

What are the Most Common Methods of Tattoo Removal?

The most common methods of tattoo removal are: laser removal, surgical excision, and dermabrasion. Laser removal uses high-intensity light pulses to break down the ink pigment. Surgical excision involves removing the tattooed area with a scalpel and then stitching it closed. Dermabrasion involves using a rotating brush to abrade the skin and remove the tattooed area. All of these methods can be painful and may require multiple treatments.

Does Tattoo Removal Leave Any Permanent Scars?

Tattoo removal is generally safe and effective but can cause some scarring. Scarring can range from very slight discoloration or texture changes to more prominent keloid scarring. The amount of scarring depends on the size, location, and type of tattoo. Professional laser tattoo removal is the best way to reduce the risk of scarring, as it is the most precise and least damaging method. Treatment should be done by a qualified and experienced professional.

How Long Does it Typically Take to Completely Remove a Tattoo?

  • Laser Tattoo Removal: Laser tattoo removal typically takes several sessions to completely remove the tattoo. The number of treatments needed varies based on the size, color, and age of the tattoo. It can take anywhere from 6 to 12 sessions for a standard-sized tattoo.
  • Surgical Excisions: Surgical excisions are the most effective way to remove a tattoo. The process involves removing the tattooed skin and stitching the area back up. Depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo, it can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours to complete.
  • Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion is a procedure that involves using a rotating brush to remove the top layers of your skin. It can take several sessions to completely remove the tattoo.
  • Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are a popular treatment for tattoo removal. A chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers of skin. It can take several sessions to completely remove the tattoo.

The time it takes to completely remove a tattoo depends on the method used. Laser tattoo removal is the most common method and can take several sessions to completely remove the tattoo. Surgical excisions and chemical peels are also popular methods and can take several sessions as well. Dermabrasion is also an option, but it can take several sessions to completely remove the tattoo.

Is the pain associated with tattoo removal the same for everyone?

Tattoo removal can be uncomfortable, but not all people experience the same level of pain. Here are some points to consider when evaluating the pain associated with tattoo removal:

  • Location: Areas with thinner, more sensitive skin (like the wrist, neck, and face) can be more painful to remove a tattoo from.
  • Ink type: Different types of ink, like heavy inks and multi-colored inks, can require more treatments and be more uncomfortable to remove.
  • Size and depth: Larger and deeper tattoos can take more treatments and be more painful.
  • Method: Different tattoo removal methods, like laser and excision, can vary in terms of pain and discomfort.
  • Individual pain tolerance: Everyone experiences pain differently, so some people may find the process more painful than others.

Overall, the pain associated with tattoo removal depends on several factors. It’s important to discuss these factors with your doctor or tattoo removal specialist to get an accurate assessment of what to expect.


Tattoo removal can be a painful and lengthy process. Although the level of pain experienced during the procedure depends on the size and location of the tattoo, it can be quite uncomfortable. It is important to talk to a doctor before getting a tattoo removed to ensure that it is right for you. Additionally, discussing the potential risks, costs, and aftercare instructions with a doctor is important.


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