What Happens If You Burn a Tattoo? Find Out Now!

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Have you ever wondered what happens if you burn a tattoo? Burning a tattoo can be a serious problem, as it can cause permanent damage to your skin or even scarring. It is important to understand the risks and prevention tips before considering burning a tattoo. In this article, we will explore what happens if you burn a tattoo, the risks involved, and tips for preventing it from happening.


What Happens if You Burn a Tattoo?

What Happens If You Burn A Tattoo?

  • Skin Damage: Burns can cause permanent skin damage and affect the pigmentation of your tattoo. The tattoo ink may spread and the color of your tattoo may be distorted.
  • Scarring: Burns can also cause scarring on the tattooed area. If a burn is deep enough, it can cause the ink particles to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and leave permanent scarring.
  • Infection: Burns increase the risk of infection, as the tissue is damaged and there is a risk of bacteria entering the wound. If left untreated, this can lead to an infection.
  • Pain: Burns can be very painful, especially if the burn is severe. The pain can be intense and can last for several days.
  • Healing Time: It takes time for the wound to heal and for the tattoo to go back to its original look and colour. This healing time can take several weeks.

To prevent burning your tattoo, it is important to protect it from direct sources of heat. Avoid exposing your tattoo to direct sunlight, as well as hot water, steam, and other sources of heat. Wear protective clothing and use sunscreen to protect your tattoo from the sun. If you do get a burn on your tattoo, it is important to treat it right away. Clean the area with mild soap and water and then apply an antibiotic ointment to the area. Make sure to keep the area clean and dry and avoid picking at the scab. If the area appears to be infected, contact your doctor right away.

Potential Risks of Burning a Tattoo

Potential Risks Of Burning A Tattoo


Burning a tattoo can increase the risk of infection. The heat from the burning process may cause the area to become more susceptible to infection. This is because the heat kills off healthy skin cells, leaving a weak area that is more prone to infection. Additionally, the burning process can cause bacteria and other germs to enter the open wound, which can lead to infection.


Burning a tattoo can also cause significant scarring. The heat generated during the burning can damage the skin, causing a raised or pitted scar. The scarring can be permanent and can make the tattoo look distorted or discolored.


Burning a tattoo can also cause it to fade. The heat from the burning process can damage the pigments in the tattoo, causing them to fade and become less vibrant. This can cause the tattoo to look dull and discolored. Additionally, the scarring caused by the burning can cause the tattoo to become distorted and less visible.

Prevention Tips

Follow Aftercare Instructions

The best way to prevent a burn on your tattoo is to follow the artist’s aftercare instructions. This will ensure your skin is healing properly and will help minimize the risk of infection. Make sure to keep the tattoo area clean and moisturized, as this can help prevent burning and irritation.

Avoid Saunas and Hot Tubs

Saunas and hot tubs can be too hot for your newly tattooed skin and can cause burns. It is best to wait until the tattoo is completely healed before using these types of facilities.

Avoid Direct Sunlight Exposure

Direct sunlight can cause sunburns and can fade the colors of your tattoo. Make sure to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when going out in the sun. Also, keep the tattoo covered with clothing when possible.

Use Sunscreen

When going out in the sun, make sure to use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your tattoo from sunburns. Reapply sunscreen every few hours, especially if you are sweating or swimming.

Avoid Excessively Hot Water

The water in showers and baths should be warm, not hot. Hot water can cause burns on the tattooed skin and can also cause the colors to fade.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Burning a Tattoo Cause Permanent Damage to the Skin?

Yes, burning a tattoo can cause permanent damage to the skin. This damage can include:

  • Scarring
  • Skin discoloration
  • Skin texture changes
  • Infection
  • Loss of pigment

The extent of the damage depends on the severity of the burn and the amount of time it takes for the area to heal. The skin may not fully recover, leaving a permanent scar or discoloration.

It is important to take precautions when burning a tattoo to avoid any damage. Most professional tattoo artists will use a laser to burn the tattoo, which is a much safer option than using a chemical or heat source. If a heat or chemical source is used, the area should be cleaned and disinfected before and after the burn. The area should also be monitored for any signs of infection or irritation.

It is also important to take care of the area after the burn. The skin should be kept clean and moisturized to help promote healing and reduce the risk of infection. Over-the-counter treatments such as aloe vera and hydrocortisone can be used to reduce inflammation and speed up healing.

Burning a tattoo can cause permanent damage to the skin. Taking the necessary precautions and properly caring for the area after the burn can help reduce the risk of damage.

Can a Burned Tattoo be Repaired or Covered Up?

  • Tattoo Repair: Depending on the severity of the burn, a tattoo can be repaired. The tattoo artist will assess the damage and plan a course of action. This usually involves blending the area with the surrounding tattoo, or adding more shading or color to make the area look more even.
  • Tattoo Cover Up: If the damage is too severe, a cover up tattoo may be an option. This involves covering up the burned area with a new tattoo. The new tattoo should be designed to match the existing tattoo as best as possible.
  • Skin Grafting: In extreme cases, the affected area may need to be treated with a skin graft. This is a surgical procedure where skin from another area of the body is transplanted over the burned area.

Depending on the extent of the damage, it may be possible to restore a burned tattoo. However, it’s important to seek professional advice from a qualified tattoo artist before attempting any of these treatments.

Is it Possible to Prevent a Tattoo from Burning?

  • Research: Before getting a tattoo, it is important to research the artist and their work. Choose an artist who has a good reputation and whose work you are comfortable with. Check out their portfolio and make sure that the artist is experienced, knowledgeable and follows safety precautions.
  • Prepare: Make sure your skin is clean and well-hydrated before getting your tattoo. This will help to reduce the chances of burning while the tattoo is being applied. You should also avoid sun exposure and tanning for at least two weeks before the procedure.
  • Protection: Make sure that the tattoo artist uses protective gloves and uses a new needle for each session. This will help to reduce the chances of infection as well as reduce the risk of burning. The artist should also use a high-quality tattoo ink.
  • Aftercare: Proper aftercare is essential to prevent burning. Make sure to keep your tattoo clean and moisturized. Avoid direct sunlight and exfoliating the area. If the tattoo starts to feel itchy or irritated, contact your tattoo artist for advice.

Burning is a common risk associated with getting a tattoo. However, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the chances of burning. By researching the tattoo artist, preparing the skin and taking proper aftercare precautions, you can help to prevent burning.

What should I do if I Burn my Tattoo?

  • Stop Tattooing Immediately: The moment you feel burning sensation, stop tattooing and apply cold water on the area.
  • Clean the Area: Clean the affected area with a mild antiseptic and pat it dry.
  • Apply a Protective Layer: Apply a thin layer of healing ointment or aloe vera gel to protect the area.
  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Keep the area covered and avoid sun exposure.
  • Contact a Doctor: If the burning sensation persists, contact a doctor immediately.

What are the Health Risks Associated with Burning a Tattoo?

Burning a tattoo can cause tissue damage, infection, and scarring. It can also lead to nerve damage, infection of the lymph nodes, and skin discoloration. Burning can also cause permanent pigment changes in the tattoo, making it difficult to restore a tattoo to its original look. Additionally, burning can cause skin irritations, blisters, and ulcers. It is important to take proper precautions to prevent burning tattoos, as it can lead to serious health risks.


Burning a tattoo can result in a number of skin and health problems, including scarring, infection, and the formation of keloids. To prevent these risks, it is best to avoid burning a tattoo altogether. If needed, the area should be cooled with water or ice to reduce the chances of further burning. Additionally, any blisters should be promptly cleaned and monitored for signs of infection. If infection occurs, medical attention should be sought immediately.


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