The Ultimate Guide to Accurately Measuring Tattoos – Tips and Tools to Get the Perfect Tattoo!

» Tattoo Tips » Health and Safety Practices » The Ultimate Guide to Accurately Measuring Tattoos – Tips and Tools to Get the Perfect Tattoo!

If you’re wondering how to measure a tattoo, you’ve come to the right place. This step-by-step guide will teach you how to accurately measure a tattoo to ensure that you get the size you want. With this guide, you’ll be able to measure a tattoo quickly and easily, and you’ll have the exact size you need for your desired design. So let’s get started!

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What You Need to Measure a Tattoo

  • Ruler: A ruler is essential to measure the size of your tattoo. It is important to use a ruler that is accurate and easy to read.
  • Tape Measure: A tape measure can be used to measure the size of a tattoo. It is important to choose a tape measure that is made from durable material that is not prone to stretching.
  • Calipers: Calipers are also useful for measuring the size of a tattoo. They are more accurate than rulers and tape measures and can be used to measure both the length and width of a tattoo.
  • Photo: Taking a photo of the tattoo can be helpful when measuring the size of the tattoo. This can provide a reference point to use while measuring.
  • Pencil and Paper: A pencil and paper can be used to document the size of the tattoo. It is important to record the measurements accurately to ensure that the tattoo is the correct size.

Using the right tools and taking accurate measurements are key in knowing how to describe size of tattoo. With the right equipment and a bit of practice, you’ll be able to measure a tattoo accurately and confidently.

Step-By-Step Guide to Measure a Tattoo

Measuring a Tattoo on the Surface of the Skin

To accurately measure the size of a tattoo, it is necessary to measure the actual area of the skin that the tattoo covers. The best way to do this is to use a ruler or measuring tape. Start by applying pressure to the area around the tattoo, so that the skin is flat and relaxed. Then, measure the length and width of the tattoo in inches, centimeters, or millimeters, depending on what is the most accurate measurement.

Describing the Size of a Tattoo

When describing the size of a tattoo, it is important to note the dimensions of the tattoo in relation to the size of the body part where it is located. For example, a tattoo that is two inches long and two inches wide on the forearm would be described as “2 x 2 inches,” whereas a tattoo that is two inches long and two inches wide on the upper arm would be described as “2 x 2 inches, on the upper arm.”

What is Considered a Large Tattoo?

The size of a tattoo that is considered large varies from person to person. Generally, a tattoo that covers more than half of the body part where it is located is considered large. For example, a tattoo that is four inches long and four inches wide on the forearm would be considered large, whereas a tattoo that is four inches long and four inches wide on the upper arm would not.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of measuring tools do I need for measuring a tattoo?

Measuring a tattoo requires a ruler, measuring tape, and a set of calipers. A ruler is used to measure the length and width of the tattoo, while a measuring tape can be used to measure the circumference of the arm or leg where the tattoo is located. Calipers are used to measure the thickness of the tattoo. It is important to use these tools accurately to get an accurate size and shape of the tattoo.

How do I Accurately Measure a Tattoo?

  • Gather the Necessary Tools: To accurately measure a tattoo, you will need a tape measure, a ruler, and a pen and paper to record the measurements.
  • Determine the Length: The first step is to measure the length of the tattoo. Place the tape measure at the start of the tattoo and stretch it to the end. Make sure it is pulled tight, but not too tight, to get an accurate measurement.
  • Determine the Width: Next, measure the width of the tattoo. Place the ruler across the tattoo, making sure it is parallel to the length of the tattoo. Measure from the left side to the right side, and record the width.
  • Record Measurements: Finally, record the measurements on a piece of paper. Write down the length and width of the tattoo and make sure to also note any other details such as color or shading.

What are some tips for getting the most accurate measurement?

  • Use the right measuring tools – It is important to use the right tools for tattoo measurement. A ruler, measuring tape, and caliper are all useful options.
  • Measure from the same starting point – It is important to ensure that all measurements are taken from the same starting point. This will help in getting the most accurate measurements.
  • Measure with precisionPay attention to the details when measuring a tattoo. Take your time and measure with precision to get the most accurate results.
  • Get a second opinion – If possible, get a second opinion when measuring a tattoo. This will help to double-check the accuracy of the measurement.

Are there any safety precautions I should take when measuring a tattoo?

When measuring a tattoo, it is important to take basic safety precautions, including wearing protective gloves and goggles, and making sure that the skin is clean and dry. Additionally, it is important to use a measuring device that is specifically designed for use on the skin and to apply the device gently to avoid causing any irritation.

What do I do if I get an inaccurate measurement?

  • Reevaluate the measurement: Check the measurements by comparing them to other measurements in the area, as well as using a ruler or measuring tape to double-check that the measurements are correct.
  • Recheck the reference points: Make sure that the reference points are still in the same place, as they may have shifted during the measuring process.
  • Adjust the reference points: If the reference points have shifted, adjust them to the correct position and remeasure the tattoo.


Measuring a tattoo is not a difficult task and can be done easily with the right tools. With the use of measuring tape, a ruler, and a marker, anyone can measure a tattoo accurately. Following the steps outlined in this guide, anyone can confidently measure a tattoo and be sure of the measurements taken.


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